Monday, June 22, 2015

Lemon Parmesan Swiss Chard

Today at the farmer's market, I saw some beautiful Swiss chard.  I had never made this before, but knew it was SIBO friendly so I grabbed a bunch and decided to wing it.  I ended up making a lemon Parmesan Swiss chard.  It was pretty delicious!

You want to start by thoroughly washing the chard.  You can find videos online of the best way to prep leafy greens by doing a simple Google search.   Just make sure to get it nice and clean.  Most recipes call for keeping the stems and leaves separate for cooking, but I threw mine all together and it worked out fine.  

Heat a pan over medium heat.  Once the pan is warm, pour in about 1 tablespoon of garlic infused olive oil. (I never measure the oil I pour in the pan, I just drizzle some in).  Garlic infused oil is the only way to get good garlic flavor while following the SIBO Specific Diet.  I LOVE garlic so this oil is saving my life!

Let the oil get warm for a few seconds and toss in your chopped up chard and season with salt and pepper.  As I mentioned earlier, I cooked the stems and leaves together.  Most recipes call for cooking the stems first and adding the leaves after a couple of minutes, it is up to you.   

Stir often for about 4-5 minutes while the chard starts to wilt.  Once it is wilted, but not soggy, add in 1-2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of grated aged Parmesan.  Let the chard cook for about 1 more minute while the cheese melts and the flavors mingle.  Once the Parmesan is melted, you are ready to eat!  This is a bright and colorful dish that would make a great side for grilled chicken or fish.  It even went well with the leftover "taco" meat that I paired it with!

SIBO Adjustments:  Naturally SIBO friendly!

Difficulty:  Easy

Time:  20 minutes

1 bunch Swiss chard
1 lemon
1 tablespoon garlic infused olive oil
2 tablespoons aged Parmesan
Salt & pepper

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